Wednesday, September 9, 2009

WCW Titles Won By The nWo

Hello Everyone,

I thought I would post all of the titles from WCW that the members of the nWo have won when WCW was an active federation.

WCW World Heavyweight Title - "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan - 4 Times, "Macho Man" Randy Savage - 1 Times, Kevin Nash - 2 Times, Bret "Hitman" Hart - 1 Time.

WCW United States Heavyweight Title - Curt Hennig - 1 Time, Scott Hall - 1 Time, Scott Hall - 1 Time, Lex Luger - 2 Times.

WCW World TV Title - Scott Steiner - 1 Time, Scott Hall - 1 Time.

WCW World Cruiserweight Title - Syxx - 1 Time.

WCW World Tag Team Titles - "The Outsiders" (Hall & Nash) - 6 Times, Sting & Kevin Nash - 1 Time, Sting & The Giant - 1 Time, Scott Hall & The Giant - 1 Time, Creative Control - 2 Times.


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