Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Rise And Fall Of WCW DVD Review

Hello Wrestling Fans,

MrCaperMan is here to give his thoughts on the new DVD put out by the WWE on the success of WCW, the DVD is called "The Rise And Fall Of WCW".

I must say I love this DVD, I think it captures how World Championship Wrestling became such a huge phenomenom in the world of professional wrestling.  I honestly don't think that it is one sided as many other people have said about this DVD.  I think it tells the tale very accurately.

There are a few issues I have with this DVD overall though.  The matches that the WWE decided to put in, while most of them are awesome, some of them in my opinion are not great and should not have been featured in this DVD, while other classic WCW matches were left out totally IE: Flair Vs. Sting, 1990 Great American Bash, Sting Vs. Hogan, Starrcade 1997, etc, etc.  But overall I really recommend this DVD to anyone that was or still is a hardcore WCW fan.

In this DVD, there were a few things that I did not know happened in WCW and it's demise so when I watched it for the first time, I was blown away and I said "Wow I did not know that", so this DVD is going to be my top pick DVD for a long while.  Unless a DVD comes out that will top this one.  So that in a nutshell is what I thought about this DVD, again I really recommend this DVD to any hardcore WCW fan.

This is MrCaperMan saying "Keep Your Feet On The Mat"


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